Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Still working on a better me!

Another therapeutic for me post, read on if you wish.
If you missed the original post about "time for me" you can read it here
I turn bright red and sweat like a pig 2 minutes after I start any workout
I blame my pale white girl skin, I have always been this way. But don't
panic, I'm totally fine :)
Okay, so I am a little over 2 weeks into "time for me" and I am feeling great...sore, but great! I have officially determined that I am not a runner and honestly, I don't think I ever will be. Pretty sure this started back when I was a kid playing YMCA soccer, and I quote, "Mom, there is too much running in soccer!" or it could be from playing softball in high school, "Berthold...lift your knees!" or maybe it is because the fastest mile I have ever ran was about 11:20 seconds...I am NOT a runner!!! But you know what I have discovered in the last 2 weeks, I can power walk faster than I can run! I can walk a 12 minute mile...if I walk for 5 miles at a time, I can keep up a 12:30 minute mile pace for each mile...WHAT!?! How is it possible that I can power walk for 5 miles and think nothing of it, but the thought of running a mile sounds like misery to me. Signing up for a 5K sounds likes torture and yet I have been out walking 5 miles at a time a least 5 nights since I have started this mission.

I know some of you reading this will not be impressed with walking a 12 minute mile (you are probably a runner) but I think that is kind of impressive :)

I have also discovered that I cannot back down from a challenge, so for I have completed a 10 mile challenge, a squat challenge (ouch) and now I am doing a push-up challenge (push-ups are evil...I hate them!) I have logged my food intake everyday and let me tell you...knowing the calories of EVERYTHING you eat, you will quickly learn to measure things!

So I am feeling good about all of this and if you see a sweaty girl walking like she is on a mission...it is probably me or another woman just like me, on a mission to better herself. If you see me at the pool treading water in the deep end when I can very easily just stand in the shallow end, it is because I am squeezing in a "workout" while I play with my kids. Now if you excuse me...I have some work to do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Being a walker, I am very impressed with the 12-minute mile. Keep up the hard work, Jana! Love, Aunt Jan