Thursday, January 29, 2009

When there's snow...

...Megan must going sledding! Of course our outside baby has been going stir crazy, so as soon as the weather warmed up a bit, I took her sledding. Her first sledding trip was around the block to visit the Barber family. But for this trip I drove to the high school and took her on the "hills" (walking trails) between the 3 schools.
Apparently Megan was famished from her travels and she had to sample the snow! It was fresh snow so no worries. Plus I needed a picture to prove that she can move her arms.

It was hard to get a video when I was the one pulling her, but here is what I got. Just for the record, when you take a small child sledding that can't assist you in any way, stick to a path that is already there! It is way to hard to pull a sled through untraveled snow! But lucky for me Megan had a blast on the paths. Hope it warms up again so I can take her sledding a few more times.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Still loves to watch hockey!

Tuesday night we sat with my parents to watch Adrian College play the USA under 18 Developmental team. Don't let their age fool you, it was an awesome game, the under 18 players were pretty much the best of the best for their age. Hence there were scouts from 3 NHL teams at the game.
Just enjoying some crunchy snacks with Grandma! Megan liked this view point because she could see everything. She got really excited whenever someone had to go into the penalty box, because it was about 10 feet from her and she could look at the player up close.

Getting just a little higher to watch the Zamboni go around. She freaked out when she saw the Zamboni. We left during the 2 intermission (bed time) but we made sure she got to watch the Zamboni one more time.
This is how she watched most of the second period, squatting behind a chair. There were a few times when she tried to climb over the seat but she was quickly told "no" She had fun, and we love that she likes to go out to busy places and doesn't feel overwhelmed.

Friday, January 23, 2009

She is just goofy sometimes, but always cute!

The other day my mom, my Aunt Lynda, Megan and I went over to my grandma's house to play "Merry Maids" We were cleaning her house from top to bottom and Megan wanted to join in any chance she got. I brought along her broom with she used, but she really liked the Swifter. I think she dusted this Christmas cactus about 4 times. Now at home she will point to the Swifter and will randomly dust things from time to time.
Whoa baby, look at the hair. Despite having humidifiers all over the house, Megan hair was no match for clean clothes in the clothes basket. Megan freaks out when she sees a clothes basket because she likes being carried in it, so of course when I was folding her clothes she had to sit on them. But I'll have to admit it was easier to fold the clothes while she was sitting on them, then is was when she would constantly unfold them. As you can tell from the picture she was just extra goofy this morning.

Still trying to get clothes back where they belong, I had a pile of "summer" clothes that needed to go in the garage because we don't need the in the house while there is snow on the ground. Megan found my pile and then to the best of her abilities put on each article of clothing. Do you think she wants to be back in Florida??? Today is fairly warm so we will going "sledding" just so Megan can be outside. It won't be quite as warm as Florida, but Megan can get her outdoor fix without freezing!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

She is so helpful...

I was in the kitchen doing numerous things and had left the door open to the pantry. I was at the sink doing dishes and Megan was on the other side of the sink looking outside. Then I heard her playing in the pantry. Next thing I know she was filling up Baron's food bowl. I grabbed the camera and filmed this on her 5th trip. I think she took about 2 dozen trips just like this one before I convinced her that Baron had enough food.

Another cute thing, Mark said "Oh Baron needs food" and he went to go get a scoop out of the pantry, Megan picked up the dog food bowl and took it to him! Anytime she gets the chance, she is the one who fills the dog food bowl, granted it is 5 pieces at a time, but hey it's still helping out and being part of the family.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Our Florida Trip

Do you think she likes being in the pool? Megan loved being in the pool and got pretty good at kicking and going under the water. We never left go of her but we had the life vest on her so she could get used to wearing it. Because when we go on our cruise and visit beaches, she WILL be wearing it in the ocean. She didn't mind wearing it, as long as we had the zipper in the back (she loves to play with zippers)
A little different from her normal winter clothes.

Megan had her own set of dominoes to play with while the adults played "Spinners" a fun version of dominoes.
Snack time with Mickey. Mark had a business meeting in Orlando on Monday, so he spent the night in Orlando and when he got back he found a stow-away in the car...Mickey Mouse. Megan got her first Mickey Mouse and loves him (I know that will make Angie smile)
Megan got to choose where she wanted to eat breakfast, snacks and lunch and she always picked the Lanai (porch). I think she liked being surrounded by ceiling to floor windows!
Megan going down a slide all by herself. She is wearing her new shoes, crocs. I thought I would never buy a pair of them because I think they are ugly, but after looking in a ton of stores these were the only sandals that would stay on her foot. Ok well not exactly...we had to buy the smallest size in the "Mary Jane" style and slip the strap that should be in front around to her ankle in order to keep the shoe on. They looked kind of funny, but at least they will still fit by the time we go on our cruise.
Notice that the whole playground is made on sand but this was the first time she noticed it. The train was the last item to play in and she paid no attention to it, just the sand. We tried to get her to sit in the train or play with the bell, nope, she just played in the sand. Oh well.
We made a couple trips to "Fisherman's Village", it is an outdoor shopping area, the first time we were they Megan loved watching these battery operated fish swim in the water. Every time we walked by the store she would get as close as she could and just stare and giggle. The last day we went out there to eat and she knew exactly where the fish were! I think she walked over to the fish at least 5 times, she loved the fish.
Hey look, Megan has a fish! I was off looking in another store and when I walk out to find Megan and Mark, she is hugging a fish. She wouldn't let go of it to put it in a bag, and couldn't wait for us to open it. Once it was out of the package she was giving him kisses and "Eskimo" kisses the whole way back to Grandma and Papa's.
Just making sure she knows where all the exits are on the plane. (I think she is sticking her lips out while she reads!)
When we got back it was -9 degrees outside and Megan didn't like that she couldn't play outside. The next morning she came around the corner with her sun hat on and trying to put on her life vest! Do you think she wanted to stay in Florida??? She is funny.
We had a great time in Florida is was relaxing and that was all we wanted. It was so good to see Grandma and Papa because it has been a long time. I loved the Megan warmed up to them as if they have been in Michigan all winter. Can't wait for them to be back in Michigan so we can hang out with them again (plus if they are in Michigan it means it's warm outside!)

Friday, January 16, 2009

We're back...

Sorry for the lack of new posts lately, I promise I will be back to my normal update schedule from now on. Obviously Christmas/New Years got us off track, but then our computer took a drive (again) So our poor computer spent two days at the computer repair shop only to be wiped clean of all the programs we had on it. Which means that we have to reinstall a ton of stuff, hence no picture (sorry Allison) So Mark will spend the weekend getting our computer up and running.

We also have returned from spending a week in Florida, warm not freezing Florida. I'll save the stories for when I have pictures to go with them. But we had fun, we wanted to stay until it was above freezing in Michigan, but that didn't happen. So we're back and will spend the weekend doing laundry, washing the dog, grocery shopping, fixing the computer and hopefully adding pictures to the blog.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cute Story Alert!!!

Ok so I thought this next "story" was adorable, so of course I had to share it with everyone. First let me give you some information so you can figure out what I'm talking about...

My hair brush is one of the few things left in the bathroom drawer that Megan can play with, everything else has been put up high or in a storage container because she would carry things every where! Every time Megan goes into the bathroom she opens the top drawer, pulls out my hair brush and walks around the house hitting things or brushing her hair. I noticed that my brush needed to be replaced because while Megan would carry it around it was leaving random bristles on the floor. (the kind of bristle that is plastic with the little rubber tip on the end, about an inch big) with this information on to the cute story...

I was in the kitchen washing dishes and I noticed that Megan wasn't bugging me and she wasn't next to Mark. I turned around and saw her standing next to Baron. I thought she was petting him and that he was loving it because he was just standing perfectly still letting Megan pet him. Then I noticed how her hand was, it looked like she was petting him with one finger. I walked over and saw her holding one of the bristles from my brush, and she was "brushing" Baron's fur (I know cute right!?!) But then when I asked her if she was brushing his hair she shook her head yes and then started to brush her hair with her bristle. Then she walked over to Mark/Daddy and brushed his hair and then she motioned for me to bend down so she could brush my hair. She had the biggest grin on her face after she brushed our hair. How stinkin cute is that? We say it everyday but seriously, "she is just so stinkin adorable!"